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"There are two things I love.  A unpredictable murder mystery and a passionate complicated love story.  I feel this series offers both and a lot more..."

TA Terrell discovered her gift during adversity.  She lost her job and like a lot of people she had no savings.  Being a single mother, it was a difficult time, but she was determined to keep the family together.   Unable to find employment for several months, she prayed for answers out of my predicament.  At the time, TA wasn't a very spiritual or religious person, but prayer comforted her.  One day an inner voice told her to write.  So, she started to write a story about an interior designer. Night after night, usually between the hours of two and six a.m. the story unfolded.  By the end of six weeks, the first story of the series was completed.  It would take several more years of struggling before she could bring the first story in the series to the reader in 1996.

T.A. Terrell the author of I Crossed the Line, the journey begins... and What s Done is Done, things aren’t always as they seem, likes to explore real life challenges and decisions; which make her fictional books universal, and touch so many people. She also likes to address social issues without shoving them down the reader's throat. Her novels explore subjects such as infidelity, family secrets, blackmail, interracial relationships, and women in business, jealousy, etc.

In her own words, “My mission is to publish fictional books that are thought provoking and entertaining. These books will address timeless and controversial issues such as stereotypes, double standards, hypocrisy, etc... I want to provide a platform that will initiate honest discussion that will benefit all races genders, cultures and social classes.”

TA Terrell earned her Associates Degree in Business Administration- Accounting from National Business College and Bachelors in Business Administration from Strayer University.  She has worked in small and Fortune 500 companies.  She is the publisher of Episode Publishing and lives in the Washington, D.C., area with her family.

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